Tuesday, January 29, 2008

COMM 317

"DUE PROCESS - The idea that laws and legal proceedings must be fair. The Constitution guarantees that the government cannot take away a person's basic rights to 'life, liberty or property, without due process of law.'

Who was Walter Burgwyn Jones?
Walter Burgwyn Jones (October 16, 1888 – August 1, 1963) was a judge from Alabama.
Jones served in the Alabama state legislature from 1919 to 1920. He was then a circuit court judge until 1935. Jones was a presiding judge from 1935 to 1963.
In the 1956 Presidential election, faithless elector W. F. Turner cast his vote for Jones, who was a circuit court judge in Turner's home town, for President of the United States and Herman E. Talmadge for Vice President, instead of voting for Adlai Stevenson and Estes Kefauver.

What did he write?
Alabama Pledge and Practice of Law

Who was T. Eric Embry? Justice Embry, who as a trial lawyer represented The New York Times in what became the landmark libel case New York Times Company v. Sullivan

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